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Proposing Marriage to the love of your life can definitely be an overwhelming experience. Especially when you are trying to be creative, romantic, and original. While getting to the question you’ve been dying to ask can be frightening. Here we’ve scoured the internet to find the BEST, most creative, most original, and most romantic proposals out there.


Put an an ad on a billboard with the best picture of you together.

Go to Paris, take her for a ride down the Seine and present her with a engagement ring on top of an elegant French chocolate truffle.

Creative Marriage Proposals

Put an engagement ad in the projections before the trailers start at your local movie theater and watch her accept!

Creative Marriage Proposals

Buy her roses. Inside one of the roses, fix an elegant diamond ring with a special note!

Creative Marriage Proposals

Tell her you are going to go out and buy her cupcakes. When you get back, give her a cupcake with an engagement ring placed on top.

Creative Marriage Proposals

Call a local singing troupe to come to your door and ring the doorbell. When she answers the door, have the local singing troupe sing your proposal.

Creative Marriage Proposals

Rent an airplane that can write “Will you marry me?” in a specific time and a specific place. Make sure you choose a day where there’ll be clear skies. Watch someone else do it!

Creative Marriage Proposals

Take her to a fancy restaurant. For desert, have the waiter bring her a special plate with a cover on it. Underneath the cover is the diamond engagement ring.

Check out this “will you marry me?” puzzle. Buy this puzzle, put it in a different box and ask her to help you with it on a rainy sunday. Once you solve the puzzle, get down on one knee and propose.

If you have a friend who is a police officer, have him stop her for speeding. This will be tricky. When he stops her, you come out of the car and propose to her.



  • First of all: they make me cry!
  • Secondly: she has absolutely no idea.
  • Thirdly: they all have an elaborate plan, and there are always cameras so others can watch the effects of their efforts.
  • Finally: They all end in a touching “yes” and lots of tears.